Monday, July 29, 2013

A very nice run

Today is our last day on Whidbey Island, WA. We have certainly enjoyed the weather with lows of about 55 and highs of 70-75. It has been nice to be able to run at anytime during the day without having to worry about the temperature. I *am going to die* when I return to the heat and humidity of Hattiesburg, MS.

For today's run, I did not feel like fighting the hills and traffic or risk getting lost so I went to the track to zone out. I started out with a mile walk on the sidewalks surrounding the school and track. There was a sign posted on the track welcoming the general public but asking that we use lanes 6, 7, and 8. That was fine with me because I could just rely on my Garmin and run how I felt.

Surprise! Surprise! I ran 3.5 miles @ 9:54 pace. That is the fastest non-race pace that I have had in a very long time.

After broken ribs, severe bronchitic and two of the slowest 5Ks that I have run, I have not been feeling very good about my ever getting back my speed. We have been on this road trip for almost six weeks and I have really increased my mileage, but have only done a couple of speed sessions. On Saturday I did a 5K race at a respectable 9:22 pace and after today's workout, I am motivated.

We will continue on this trip for at least 2-3 weeks and I am going to  to work on getting my weekly mileage up to 27-30. I will also try for a weekly long run of 6-8 miles and one speed session.

Now is the time that I need to be careful. I do have a tendency to ramp things up too quickly and the old hamstring/piriformis issue returns. I hate to even write about that for fear that I will jinx myself.

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